University partners of the TRUST Project from Vietnam and the Philippines participated in the Erasmus+ Regional Cluster Meeting and Contact-making Seminar in Asia and the Pacific in Hanoi, Vietnam, in November 2023.
The event consisted of the regional cluster meeting and the contact-making seminar. The regional cluster meeting aimed to create a dynamic forum for Erasmus+ project beneficiaries and stakeholders. The goal was to provide a space for sharing knowledge and experiences, where good practices could be shared, and ideas exchanged to improve project effectiveness.
On the other hand, the contact-making seminar consisted of sessions designed to facilitate networking among organizations from different countries within the region, whether they were experienced or newcomers. This seminar encouraged collaboration within the Erasmus+ framework, promoting cross-border partnerships and cooperative initiatives.
During the meeting, Mr. Jove Tapiador, a Trustee of TRUST Project partner Fintech Philippines Association (FPH), presented how partnerships and coordination can make project results more impactful. He highlighted the importance of collaboration between the government and educational institutions across borders. Mr. Tapiador emphasized that academe-industry collaboration can help sustain project results and bring in more gains. He cited that hackathons, workshops, and innovation camps co-organized by university partners and the fintech industry help promote and sustain the project’s work.

TRUST Project partners from the Fintech Philippines Association and Vietnam National University during one of the cluster meeting sessions
The TRUST project aims to improve the quality of higher education in Vietnam and the Philippines, focusing on digital innovation and fintech. The project intends to cater to the emergent workforce needs of the future financial services industry. As part of the project, a master’s degree program in financial technology and digital innovation has been designed and developed in Vietnamese and Philippine universities. The project also modernized other master’s programs in Business and Economics by incorporating specific content on fintech.