The TRUST Project convened last November 4, 2021, to present updates on the development and accreditation of the Master in Financial Technology and the modernized Masters of Business and Economics. Partner universities provided an update on the progress of their course development, which covers the distance learning material development and recording, revision of the course modules’ syllabi, development of decks, and the lessons’ recording.

Each partner university and higher education institution (HEI) representative presented an update of its module: the revised syllabus, the decks developed, and the video lessons recorded. During the presentations, issues and bottlenecks were surfaced and identified. The team proposed action plans to address issues and scheduled a follow-on meeting to further discuss solutions.

The team also established deadlines for revisions of the syllabus and production and recording of videos/online modules. The team also had an initial discussion on assessment structure – whether assessments will be given at the end of each module or as a mid-term examination. A discussion that will focus on the accreditation requirements related to the assessment and the Institutional regulations will be scheduled. In parallel with course development, HEI partners are also working on the course accreditation process with their respective ministries.
Course development is scheduled to be completed by end of November, while post-production and editing are scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.